Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Surprise

Wow! If any of you watched the game. (which would most likely be "Momma"), then you saw a very interesting one! I wasn't rooting for anyone, because the Ravens weren't in it, but I started wanting the Steelers to win because my older bro likes them too, and the Cardinals, well, I don't even know any of their names! But seriously that 100 yard return was the biggest return in Super Bowl history! (the announcers said so!) I think it was..... oh yeah Harrison! GOOD JOB! If you would like to commment it would be nice!


Lizzie ♥ said...

Yeah, it was pretty cool =]

Jamie said...

awwww thanks for commenting!

Lizzie ♥ said...

sure ... =]

Momma said...

I did watch! It was a super Super Bowl! Nathan was thrilled that the Steelers won.