Saturday, February 7, 2009

Crazy Day!!

Yesterday was crazy!! We had to work like pack mules getting ready for my grandparents' 50th anniversary party. Then we had to get the beds and stuff ready for more company that is staying at my house for the weekend. They arfe very nice and young, but they can parrrtty.. i dont like it when they do that because i have to stay up til 1am trying to make them all sleep. so yeah, now i have 2 go to my bro's soccer game, so peace out and ttys! (talk to you soon)


Lizzie ♥ said...

sounds like one hectic day! you deserve a major relax-moment and a chocolate bar ;)
luv yas!

Doublebanker said...

50th anniversary is definitely one to celebrate...hope my wife & I last that long!

4 year old driving a moped

Flipping off the roof from the gutter..Ouch!

Momma said...

Hope it was a fun day! Was the party fun?

Jamie said...

the party was soo much fun

Lizzie ♥ said...

Yeah, I hoped it was!