Saturday, February 21, 2009

Busy Busy busy

Haha! if you couldn't tell i'm sooo busy today. we woke up @ 630, not what i wanted to do on a SATURDAY lol =). also, we had to get a shower with COLD water because we woke up *late* apparantly late to my parents is 630 haha late to me is like 1030! anyway, yeah so i'm at my grandparents' house and it's fun! we can have all the soda we want, and we get to watch movies all day. i also have horrible pains in my left side. idk what it is! UGH. My nephew L is in the hospital, not good. my sister just had a miscarriage, so yeah, not a good day. well gtg so hope ur having abeter saturday than me!! =) pray for me and my sister,