Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i'm sorry

okay so listen this blog is being closed down i wont be posting anymore i'm sorry that this is so sudden.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Okay, so since two days ago, my left side of my stomach has been KILLING me. Have any ideas on what it is? I don't know if I should go to a doctor or not. My parents don't seem concerned but I DO. help me! oh btw: my nephew L is in the hospital. pray for him please! and me! thank you

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Busy Busy busy

Haha! if you couldn't tell i'm sooo busy today. we woke up @ 630, not what i wanted to do on a SATURDAY lol =). also, we had to get a shower with COLD water because we woke up *late* apparantly late to my parents is 630 haha late to me is like 1030! anyway, yeah so i'm at my grandparents' house and it's fun! we can have all the soda we want, and we get to watch movies all day. i also have horrible pains in my left side. idk what it is! UGH. My nephew L is in the hospital, not good. my sister just had a miscarriage, so yeah, not a good day. well gtg so hope ur having abeter saturday than me!! =) pray for me and my sister,

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday FUn

Today was a day off of school, for some odd reason. So we decided to take my nephew T, down to the Science Center. It's a really cool place for kids and adults. It has a science part, a dinosaur exhibit, a body exhibit, and a lot of other neat things. I wish I had some pics... Anyway, we finished with a dinner at McDonalds. I haven't been there in FOREVER. I luv their chicken sandiwches. At the moment I'm trying to download some Taylor Swift onto my MP3 player. I have to leave now, so ttys (talk to you soon) luv ya <3,

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Okay, so first off: happy v-day! Next: I don't think I'll be doing much on babysitting, so yeah. #3: We had some little peoples over the weekend, they're still here because their parents are at some marriage get-away or something. anyway the youngest baby has a fever, and the other one is two and you know two year olds.... anyway, i got 3 choc. fudge hearts today, YUMMY you know us girls and chocolate! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY i have a baby crying so yeah, BYE

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Should I keep posting about babysitting??? It doesn't seem like anyone has been commenting on that stuff, so PLEASE COMMENT!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Unlike the title, I'm kind of happy that my family members staying at my house are gone. It's bitter-sweet. I'm glad the family zoo is gone, but then again, I'm sad that htye had to leave. Well, i have to go!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Crazy Day!!

Yesterday was crazy!! We had to work like pack mules getting ready for my grandparents' 50th anniversary party. Then we had to get the beds and stuff ready for more company that is staying at my house for the weekend. They arfe very nice and young, but they can parrrtty.. i dont like it when they do that because i have to stay up til 1am trying to make them all sleep. so yeah, now i have 2 go to my bro's soccer game, so peace out and ttys! (talk to you soon)

Friday, February 6, 2009

I finally have permission to put this pic out on here, it's so cute!!! My neighbore took it, I hope you like it! Please comment

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


If you are babysitting children who are mature enough to understand money, bring a few plastic "gold coins" along, as well as some small prizes. If a child is good or does something nice, reward him or her with a coin that he or she can later exchange for a prize!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Which Jonas Brother Should You Marry?
I am Mrs. Nick Jonas You are perfect for Nick. He is friendly, but shy, and he would love a girl who is sensitive and sweet. You aren't interested in the spotlight, your feelings for Nick are genuine and he needs a genuine girl.
Movie & Celebrity Quizzes ; Which Jonas Brother Should You Marry? ; Jonas Brothers: The Bonus Jonas Edition Pop, Rock & Pop, Music & Musicals

Wow! If any of you watched the game. (which would most likely be "Momma"), then you saw a very interesting one! I wasn't rooting for anyone, because the Ravens weren't in it, but I started wanting the Steelers to win because my older bro likes them too, and the Cardinals, well, I don't even know any of their names! But seriously that 100 yard return was the biggest return in Super Bowl history! (the announcers said so!) I think it was..... oh yeah Harrison! GOOD JOB! If you would like to commment it would be nice!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Go to this site and watch the video (if you're a christian or are curious). It really touched me. http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=7a47a65a6e6256717bf2

p.s. what is the guy in the black hoodie saying to the blonde girl at the end?