Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Make a Super Sitter Surprise Box. Decorate it with wrapping paper and markers, and fill it with fun crafts, toys, and goodies. Bring the box with you when you babysit. When the kids get bored, just pull out the box.

Zoey here, just wanted to say Happy New Year early before I get too busy getting ready! So here's what's happening tonight. My parents invited some of their friends over our house for the evening. My older brother is going to his girlfriend's house tonight, my younger brother is just DYING to stay awake this year, and me? Well, I'm planning to get on the couch in my PJ's with some sparkling cider and watch the New Year's Rockin' Eve. We will play some games and stuff but mostly talk and watch TV. So, what are you people doing? Just comment and let me know!
Thanks for reading,

Monday, December 29, 2008

Bed Time

If the child you're babysitting doesn't want to put on his pajamas, brush his teeth, or go to bed, try to make a game out of it. For example, say, "I bet you can't put your pajamas on in less than a minute." It's fun for the child because it's a game! And you get your job done.
Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


If the place where you're babysitting has a computer, look up some foreign languages to teach the kids. Maybe they could even learn to write their names in Chinese. You can also make up your own languages!

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Idea Cup

Before babysitting, make an idea cup, which has pieces of paper with things to do written on them. Whenever the child doesn't have anything to do, have him or her pick an idea out of the cup. You can even let the child add ideas to the cup.

Friday, December 19, 2008

There are so many people in our family that we have to have 2 different get-togethers. My 2 neices and 1 nephew are coming up today they are supposed to get here from Virginia from 1-2 pm. I am excited! We have Christmas Eve with the intermediate family, and another family gathering sometime after Christmas. On Christmas morning there is only 11 of us. Btw: please comment!
Thanks for reading,

Before the parents leave, get to know the neighbors so that if anything goes wrong, you can always go to them for help. Also remember to get the parents' cell phone number and an emergency contact number so that you can get ahold of them if needed.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


So today I just lied on the couch and I helped Mom make reservations for a trip to Williamsburg. We have passes that let us through for the whole year, but it turns out they don't work for the evening programs during the Christmas Season. It would be $60.00 for all five of us to see one evening program. It's not good, but we'll go with it anyway, it's that time of year, prices go up, and skies are the limits! Oh well, I am still excited. I'm not promising any pics, but I'll try!

Be Nice

If the child you are watching is only a few years younger than you, treat it like you would treat one of your friends. Don't act as if itis only two years old, even if the child is. Make the child feel as if the it's a little more "grown up".

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Always talk to the parents about how to disipline their children. For instance, some parents do not use time out as a disiplinary action, so that would not work for you at all. For a child that's never had time out, they would not understand what you are doing. You will babysit for different children, different families, so always check with the parents on how to deal with their kids if they are not respecting you. They will always let you know what to do!

Thank Them

When you babysit a child who has been good, make a card that says something like "Thanks for letting me babysit you!" or "You were great!" Attach a piece of candy to the card as a surprise for the child. I tried this, and the family welcomed me back as their best babysitter!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We are getting basically our Christmas break now, so all we have to do is 2 math lessons a week, and 2 reports and 1 poem to memorize, not so bad, huh? I just wanted to fullfill my promise of the post that said I would be talking about other things than babysitting.

Dear Zoey,
What if you were babysitting a kid who doesn't seem to have ANY respect for authority and just think they can do whatever they want? For me, as I have been raised almost completely the opposite, it would be very difficult. What are your ideas on relieving some of the "tension"?
A fellow babysitter

Dear A Fellow Babysitter,
If the child has no respect for you or anything, put them in timeout for 5-10 minutes and afterwards, explain to them that they need to know that you're in charge and they will have a good time with you if they listen.