Thursday, January 8, 2009

Okay, so you all know me as Zoey right? Well, my real name is Jamie, and i really like babysitting, so please don't be mad! Just call me Jamie from now on.


Doublebanker said...

Everyone's got to have an alias!

Momma said...

Ok, Jamie it is. How much do you charge for sitting? I am lucky to have family near, and they are willing to help us out if we ever go out! I don't even know the going rate for a babysitter. A friend was asking, and I had NO IDEA!

Jamie said...

A dollar a kid for four hours. More than four hours, then its two dollars a kid.

Lizzie ♥ said...

Wow, Zoey, that's pretty cheap.
I've heard $5 hour (under 5 kids) but I really don't know.

Anonymous said...

Hi *Jamie*
Sorry; I started it all!
When I babysit 1-3 kids for 2-4 hours, I usually get $20 per evening, just fyi.

Momma said...

OK, sounds great! Thanks for the info. I'll pass it along. My brother paid over $8 and hour for one infant! I think he got overcharged!