Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Weekly Question

Dear Zoey,
What do you do when you've had a past expierence (like you dropped a kid and they got hurt by accident) and you still want to babysit for them. How can you re-build the trust? Or should you forget it?


Dear Ellis,
I have gotten into situations like that. What you do is that you get your parents or family-friends to give you support and let them write a letter to the child's parent(s). They might get a little more careful, or they might just let go for awhile, and then start up again.

Your Blogger,


Lizzie ♥ said...

Thanks for the advice. Very good!

Anonymous said...

yes... these situations are tough! but you gave good advice, Zoey! Being more careful and moving on is good.

Jamie said...

Thanks you 2!!