Tuesday, October 21, 2008

To my readers: Should I just do a weekly question, or keep doing posts?

Thanks for reading,

Dear Zoey,
What do you do when you've had a past expierence (like you dropped a kid and they got hurt by accident) and you still want to babysit for them. How can you re-build the trust? Or should you forget it?


Dear Ellis,
I have gotten into situations like that. What you do is that you get your parents or family-friends to give you support and let them write a letter to the child's parent(s). They might get a little more careful, or they might just let go for awhile, and then start up again.

Your Blogger,

Monday, October 13, 2008

Dear Zoey,
have you found it hard to reassure parents sometimes or prove somehow your "credentials" to take care of their kids? How can we reassure parents for that?


Dear Hannah,
Thank you for the question! I reassure the parent(s) that my crudentials will take care of the kids would be to get some references by e-mail. Print it out and give the exact words to the parents!


Friday, October 10, 2008

I am not getting any questions so hopefully questions will come in soon. Just comment on one of the posts, and send along a question with it. Or e-mail it to me: ilovedogs04@gmail.com

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Every week from now on I will pick one question from my comments section and I will answer it in a post. Be sure to check this out every Tuesday. If I am a day late, it is most likely because my internet is down!

Thanks for reading,


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Thanks for reading,