Monday, September 15, 2008

Health Kick for Kids

Health is what you always want to give to kids at snack time or meal time. If the parents haven't told you what to make the kids, do something like a salad with whatever they want on it. (i read online that one kid wanted gummy bears on his salad, that way it would be healthy yet sugary!) You should give them some kind of fruit or vegetable (whichever they want) with some milk or juice. For the main course it should be something easy like chicken nuggets or grilled cheese sandwiches. If they eat well, then later give them something like ice cream or candy. Or, if their parents don't want them to have any treats, give them something like strawberries with sugar.

Thanks for reading,


Lizzie ♥ said...

you're making me hungry...but, yes, healthy food is what matters.