Sunday, August 31, 2008

This is part 2 for getting the kids off the couch. This isn't going to be long. But here is what you should do. Give them a half hour of television near the end if they have been good. If not, then take away fifteen minutes only so that they don't think you're too harsh. Bring them a treat also. Before you go, you should make a time when you can do a craft or have a scavenger hunt for a snack. When they are pouty about having only fifteen minutes of TV, tell them next time if they are extra good, they get 45 minutes of TV. If they are sad, give them a game to play with instead of TV.
Thanks for reading,

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I think that all kids should have fun when you're babysitting them. Here are some tips to keep them busy for awhile before nap or snack:

1. Get them outside.
2. Play around with the hose.
3. My mom used to say don’t play with your food, but this is so fun: Whatever food you have play cops or any pretend game the child likes. Put on a performance for the other children, or just put on a performance for yourself!
4. Tag (outside)
5. Hide and go seek
6. Let the kids be YOUR babysitter!
7. Play Dog.
8. Have a drinking contest. (preferably with water)
9. Take pictures with yours, your parents’, or the child’s camera.
10. Clean up but make it a game. Here’s how: Make a list for each child, then put them each on their own beds. Tell them to look there and start. Whichever child gets done first gets to pick what bedtime story they will be reading.

Friday, August 29, 2008

I know what you're thinking. What secret? I used to get grossed out when I had to change a diaper. But now using my technique, I'm not! Let's get started. Ex: You have to change one year old's diaper. It's a very nasty one! Yuck. Your first thought was 'Oh boy, now what? Is he/she really wanting me to change THAT nasty thing?' Well, here's what you do:
1. Make sure you're on a place where you can't get anything 'dirty'.
2. Imagine you're changing a pee diaper and just don't look at the 'dirt'.
3. When wiping child, pretend you're giving him/her a bath. Just wipe and don't think about it!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Is it your first time babysitting? Well, don't worry. All you need is a list and encouragement! So here is what you should bring:
1. A notebook in case you find out anything interesting that you did and want to try it next time. Or just to take notes if the parents don't have a schedule.
2. A bag full of prizes for the end if they're good children.
3. One thing you should definately have would be phone numbers of both of the parent's cell phones and the place that they are going. Plus your home phone number. (for some of you who don't know it)

Next, if they are a bit shy don't come on so strong. Say something like this: "Suzie, what do you want to do?" instead of telling them suggestions. If it's a baby it should be a lot easier. Just spend some time with them, or hold them. Or you can just put them in their crib and let them go to sleep. (it depends on the nap schedule)

Toddlers: This is the silliest they'll EVER be. When they do things they are not supposed to do, warn them and if they do it again put them in time out chair for 2 minutes. It should work. If they start crying don't be soft on them. When their time is up give them a hug and let them play. If they have a tantrum make the punishment longer until they stop. Or just ignore them and they'll stop.

Older children ( 7 and up): They should only have a half hour of TV. You should probably bring along some crafts and games.

Thanks for reading! ~Zoey

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Zoey here. Just wanted all of you to know that I am having a new blog objective. This blog is now all about babysitting! Check it out!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I just want to thank everyone who voted on the dress poll. Sorry boys! Remember, this is a weekly poll! So, I will be putting one up soon! Give me your ideas for another one.


Monday, August 11, 2008

my old one was weird. Let's start over! Today was my first day of school. (I am homeschooled, say what you want). It was fun. I got done @ 11:00. I went to play at neighbors' houses, then I had a grilled hamburger with NO bun. Now I just set up my new blog. ttyl!
